
Comparison LLC vs. IBC (vs. others)

Note that this article compares concepts across different legal systems and jurisdictions, which invariably is prone to flaws. As always, exercise due caution and seek qualified advisement. Furthermore, I am going to glance over some business concepts that you shouldn’t come here to learn. Wikipedia and Investopedia are good places…

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How To Start an Offshore Company (revisited)

In the early days of this blog, I wrote a couple of articles that continue to be some of the most read ones. Going back to them now, I notice that I have improved my blogging in the almost two years since then and that those articles are in fact…

Bearer Shares

Bearer shares (also bearer instruments) are physical shares which are owned by whomever has them (bears them). This is unlike registered shares, which although they may be physical, are registered to a person (legal or natural) in a registry. The exact maintenance procedure around the share registry varies between company…

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How to Start an Offshore Company

New! How To Start an Offshore Company (revisited)   Offshore company formation is generally much easier than onshore incorporation, due to lax legislation and business-friendly regulation. You can have your company in as little as a couple of days from payment to your offshore service provider (OSP). This article is…

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