6 Comments on "Life as an Offshore Gambling Affiliate"

  1. I am an adult entertaintment affiliate. Are these banks also adult friendly?
    I was looking at Panama banking for it’s privacy. Are there any banks there that deal with gambling/adult ?

    • Adult is a bit different. You are not up against money laundering regulations as much as you are up against ethical policies and obscenity legislations.

      This is one of those circumstances where onshore banks are more receptive: Spain, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria.

  2. it become a nightmare to get commissions from gaming industries, best thing i found is to used prepaid card, but watch out forget payonneer or netteller, they will freeze your account as paypal do. There is plenty, the one i used is in UK, its veritas card which allow up 600ke/year (pretty confortable :), because its in UK, only get a veritas if your are not UK resident. Banks are crazy nowadays. Its not enough to bring money you need to justify every single penny

  3. Streber, about HK – does the HK company/banks have problems with binary options ? I show it as marketing and not related to binary. Do yout hink they can close my accouant because of Binary options affilate?

  4. I am a gambling affiliate and had problems in my home jurisdiction with banking, had to move accounts twice now because of working for online gaming site. At the point where I am not sure how to address my banking problem and am considering going offshore just to be in a jurisdiction and use a bank that is friendly to what I do. I promote websites, I do not take bets. Nice to know offers may have had the same issues.

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